The franchise has to register profiles of bride and grooms. Anyone who is willing to run marriage bureau. Any people above 25 years, housewives, employed, senior citizens can become a franchisee. Franchisee will earn 70% on every new subscription. If the franchisee add a profile with photos and id proof of the bride/groom, the franchisee will get Rs. 25/- per profile. The franchisee can make alliances independently. On Four month and Six months subscription renewals franchisee will get 20% on each such renewals.

The requirements to become franchisee are :

  1. To be an Indian
  2. Aged above 25 years.
  3. Has to provide bank details while filling form.
  4. Has to submit copies of id and resident proofs to the company's registered office.
  5. The franchise shall posses 4G or above Mobile with data service or a computer/laptop with internet connection.

For further details contact 9391355110/ 8978782075

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